Conference Program Announced
Download ICEET 2024 Program v6
ICEET Conference Login Details (For Virtual Participants)
Kindly take note of the following points:
- Presentations will be conducted in various rooms, in two modes both virtually and physically independently.
- To participate in virtual presentations, it is essential to have the Zoom meeting software installed. You can download and install the Zoom software by visiting the following link: Zoom Installer Download Link
- The presentation timings will remain unchanged, and we kindly request that you refrain from requesting any adjustments.
- We will be playing pre-recorded video presentations to minimize switching delays and potential technical issues. However, at least one of the authors should be available online for the Q&A session.
- All authors with accepted articles will have access to enter and view the sessions of their choice.
- Zoom login details for all virtual rooms will be available on 16 December 2024.
- Authors will have the opportunity to watch all presentations on the conference website for a period of two weeks after the conference. A separate link for this purpose will be sent to you.
If you have any inquiries or require further assistance, please feel free to send an email to:
To enter the rooms, you can click the “Join a Meeting” button in the Zoom Software and enter the provided meeting numbers.
Joining information for zoom sessions:
Room A:
Meeting ID: 992 076 0741
Passcode: Will be sent by email to the registered authors
Room B:
Meeting ID: 992 076 0742
Passcode: Will be sent by email to the registered authors
Room C:
Meeting ID: 992 076 0743
Passcode: Will be sent by email to the registered authors
Room D:
Meeting ID: 992 076 0744
Passcode: Will be sent by email to the registered authors