The length of the paper is limited to a maximum of 6 pages (including references). Each paper must be in PDF format, written in English and conform to the IEEE format available at: paper format

Papers that are over the page limit and are not according to the prescribed format will be automatically rejected without further review. Papers must meet IEEE’s quality standards and ICEET 2023 reserves the right not to publish any paper that does not meet these standards.

Important Points regarding format

1- Header at RIGHT top of first page only:

Proc. of the 9th International Conference on Engineering and Emerging Technologies (ICEET)

27- 28 October 2023, Istanbul, Turkey

2- Title of Paper: size = 24, font = Times New Roman

3- Authors Information

line 1: 1st Given Name Surname
line 2: dept. name of organization
(of Affiliation)

line 3: name of organization
(of Affiliation)
line 4: City, Country
line 5: email address or ORCID

4- Abstract: Bold, Italic, size = 9, font = Times New Roman

5- Abstract Body: Bold, size = 9, font = Times New Roman

6- Keywords: Bold, Italic, size = 9, font = Times New Roman

7- Headings and Subheading should be exactly same as per given template/format

8- Equations should be proper typed and numbered, should be visible in PDF, blurred equations are not acceptable.

9- Margins: Top, Bottom, Side and Column Center Margins should be exactly same as per given format

10- Figure: All figures should be clearly visible in PDF, Blurred Figures and Images are not acceptable.

11- Figure Captions: Figure Captions should be place at bottom of figure, size = 8, font = Times New Roman

12- Table Captions: Table Captions should be placed at top of table with given style

13- Referencing: References should be consistent with IEEE style